Thursday, May 15, 2008

Temporal Projection

As this school year begins its slow decline, I find myself having to do a final project for AP Physics. Well, needless to say, I wasn't sure quite what to do. Despite being able to choose one's own topic, I had trouble thinking of what I would do for it. I originally thought about having a solar panel power a motor, which turned a generator, which powered the light for the solar panel, all as a way to show how energy is lost in various ways. However, today we were given a list of suggestions for topics, and sitting right there, looking at me in a way that said "Why didn't /you/ think of me?", was the perfect topic. What is it, you ask? Why, "Theories about Time Travel". Now, as many of you imaginary readers know, I am absolutely /fanatic/ about time travel. Everything from the flux capacitor to the TARDIS to Celebi, and even more. So, it's quite obvious that this is just about the best topic I could hope to get. I'll still need to do the research and make a presentation and a website, but I doubt I'll get bored. Maybe I can actually finish Physics this year with a nice shiny A.

In other news, Bit has become my obsession again, though I guess you'd know that from my last post. Well, either way, she's fun. I only have her in two RPs, though, and one of them she'll probably be leaving soon. Ah well...


DarkPokemonLover said...

Oh no! If Bit is your new obsession, where does that put Jen? Oh... she will be worried and sad and stuff. Bad Kirby! (hit you with a newspaper)

Oh, and what about Sparky? And Kagai? And the strange guy with the weird TF machine?

Bill: (throws a rock at me)

Owww! Waaahhh!!!! (run away, crying)

Kirby Oak said...

Well, Bit is just my current obsession when it comes to my writing. There isn't any way that she could ever negatively interfere in my relationship with Jen.